How To Avoid Wheel Gouges
If you have wheels made from lighter material like aluminum, gouges can occur. Wheel gouges are often formed when you drive too close to the curb, and the soft aluminum can be pushed by the hard curb. Unfortunately, these wheel gouges can look incredibly unattractive, especially for those who put a lot of time and effort into making their car look great. Here are some tips for avoiding wheel gouges in the first place.
Drive Away From the Curb: The most obvious way to avoid wheel gouges is to simply avoid driving close to the curb. Although that can be difficult, especially if you drive in a large city often, it can be done. When making right turns at intersections, exercise caution so that you don't run up alongside the curb in the process.
Avoid Gravel or Unpaved Roads: Another thing that can help you to avoid wheel gouges is to stay off of gravel or unpaved roads. When driving on rocky roads, small rocks can fly up as you drive over them, and these rocks can hit your wheels and cause damage.